The Chris Stone 'EconoBites'
Welcome to EconoBites. These a 'bite sized' items that you can use with your students.
The Association’s Econobites publication, developed by former President Chris Stone, is a practical resources for teachers and
The emphasis is on applications of Economics to current situations or events that are relevant to the syllabus content for a particular

Year 5 and Year 6 Economics and Business
Building a bridge: This Year 5 'bite' talks about the economics of the new Matagarup Bridge over the Swan River to the Perth Stadium.
This ‘bite’ aims to show students that businesses provide goods and services in different ways including at shopping centres via online
stores and via click and collect to increase their customer base and to earn revenue.
Year 6 - Click and
Year 7 Economics and Business
Social Entrepreneurs : This Year 7 'bite' gets students investigating the entrepreneurial characteristics of young Australian social
entrepreneurs who started Orange Sky Laundry and Pollinate Energy.
Year 7 - Social Entrepreneurs
Demand for music: This ‘bite’ aims to show how businesses respond to the demands of consumers. Students are to interpret information
and/or data to identify key relationships and/or trends.
Year 7 - Demand for Music
The world of work: This ‘bite’ aims to show why individuals work. It explores both the material and non-material reasons why people
work. These include earning an income, contributing to an individual's self-esteem and personal satisfaction.
Year 7 - The world of work
Year 8 Economics and Business
Panama disease and banana prices: This Year 8 'bite' aims to relate a commonly used example of the operation of the market to a current
‘real world’ situation.
Year 8 - Panama disease and banana prices
Bushfires and pome fruit prices: This Year 8 'bite' aims to relate a commonly used example of the operation of the market to a current ‘real
world’ situation.
Year 8 - Bushfires and pome fruit prices
More avo: This Year 8 'bite' talks about the market for avocados and how growers have responded to changes in consumer demand.
Year 8 - More avo
Year 9 Economics and Business
Fast Fashion: This ‘bite’ aims to show how participants in the global economy are dependent on each other, including the activities of transnational corporations in the supply chains and the impact of global events on the Australian economy
What do we trade with whom?: This Year 9 'bite' aims to engage the students in learning about trade through the use of an online data visualisation tool developed at Harvard’s Center for International Development.
Year 9 - What do we trade with whom?
Year 10 Economics and Business
Inflation at the global level: This Year 10 ' bite' aims to enable students to investigate how much inflation varies between countries using
the IMF DataMapper.
Year 10 - Inflation at the global level
Unemployment: This Year 10 ‘bite’ gets students thinking about unemployment and how it differs between genders and age groups. It also
provides the opportunity to use critical thinking skills to make predictions.
Year 10 - Unemployment
Em and Unem: This Year 10 'bite' allows student's to compare employment and unemployment between states and over time using the BCEC Data
Insights platform.
Year 10 - Em and Unem
Unemployment at the global level: This Year 10 'bite' investigates unemployment rates across a range of countries. Students use the IMF
Year 10 - Unemployment at the global level
Year 11 and Year 12 Economics ATAR
This ‘bite’ aims to examine the meaning of the Aggregate Production Function and its use in explaining the impact of an increase in labour
productivity on economic growth.
Labour Productivity and the Aggregate Production
Function NEW!
This ‘bite’ aims to examine the impact of rising inflation on the Australian economy. It presents the concept and measurement of inflation,
the main sources of inflation and asks students to examine both the impact and policy options to combat inflationary pressures.
Surging Inflation
Suitable for the Year 12 Unit 3 topics, Pattern of Trade and Balance of Payments, this ‘bite’ explores the changing pattern of trade in
Australia since 2010.
Australia's Trade
This econobite
explores Australia's macroeconomic performance since the start of the global pandemic. It looks at changes in Real GDP and spending
patterns since 2017. Suitable for Year 11 students studying Australia's macroeconomic performance.
The economy continues to recover after the recession of
Suitable for the Year 12 Unit 3 topic, Free Protection and Trade, this ‘bite’ aims to explore the impact of China’s recent trade protection
action on Australian exports.
Chinese Trade Sanctions on
Australian Goods
Suitable for the Year 11 Unit 1 topic, Demand, supply and equilibrium, this ‘bite’ aims to show how price mechanism operates and changes in
demand and supply affect market price and quantity.
Ginger prices skyrocket to
record highs amid worldwide shortage
Consumer spending during COVID-19: This Year 11 and 12 'bite' investigates how the COVID-19 outbreak is impacting on consumer spending and
the effects of the Government's economic policy actions since the outbreak started.
Consumer spending during COVID-19
The economic impact of the coronavirus: This Year 11 and 12 'bite' investigates how the COVID-19 outbreak is impacting on the Australian economy. Investigating a current real world event that has been so widely reported ‘leverages relevance’ to engage students and shows them the importance of Economics knowledge and skills.
The economic impact of the coronavirus
Panama disease and banana prices: This Year 11 ‘bite’ aims to relate a commonly used example of the operation of the market - a supply shock for an agricultural product - to a current ‘real world’ situation.
Panama disease and banana prices
Boom, boom?: This Year 11 and 12 'bite' talks about the impact on economic activity of mine expansion in the Pilbara.
Boom, boom
Runway room: This Year 11 and 12 'bite' talks about the impact on economic activity of the proposed extra runway at Perth Airport.
Falling interest rates: This Year 12 'bite' aims to tap into the most current interest rate data. It also takes into consideration development of the skills in Unit 4 of the syllabus.